Visa (V) β†’ Stock, financial statements


334.55 USD +1.67 (+0.79%)
Mar 17 πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ NYSE V
  • V Ticker
  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ NYSE Exchange
  • 17,000 Employees
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Financial statements β€” Visa

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20 ← 16 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
Total Revenue
22B 23B 21B 18B 15B
Cost Of Revenue
0 0 0 0 0
Gross Profit
22B 23B 21B 18B 15B
Research and Development
0 0 0 0 0
Selling General and Admin
2.1B 2.3B 2.1B 2B 1.7B
Operating Expense
7.8B 7.6B 7B 6.2B 5.3B
Operating Income
14B 15B 14B 12B 9.8B
Other Income Expense Net
0 0 0 0 0
14B 15B 14B 12B 9.8B
Interest Income
520M 530M 610M 560M 430M
Pretax Income
14B 15B 13B 12B 8B
Income Tax
2.9B 2.8B 2.5B 5B 2B
Minority Interest
0 0 0 0 0
Net Income
11B 12B 9.9B 6.5B 5.9B
Net Income Basic
11B 12B 9.9B 6.5B 5.9B
20 ← 16 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
Current cash
16B 7.8B 12B 13B 8.9B
Short term investments
5.7B 5.7B 900M 890M 610M
2.9B 4.6B 2.8B 2.6B 2.7B
0 0 0 0 0
Other current assets
2B 1.5B 900M 890M 610M
Current assets
28B 21B 18B 19B 14B
Long term investments
53B 52B 51B 49B 50B
Property plant equipment
2.7B 2.7B 2.5B 2.3B 2.2B
16B 16B 15B 15B 15B
Intangible assets
28B 27B 28B 28B 27B
Other assets
6.6B 4.3B 1.6B 1.7B 1.3B
Total assets
81B 73B 69B 68B 64B
Accounts payable
170M 160M 180M 180M 200M
Current long term debt
3B 0 0 1.7B 0
Other current liabilities
11B 13B 11B 8.1B 7.8B
Total current liabilities
15B 13B 11B 10B 8B
Long term debt
21B 17B 17B 17B 16B
Other liabilities
3.9B 2.9B 2.7B 2.6B 2.4B
Minority Interest
0 0 0 0 0
Total Liabilities
45B 38B 35B 35B 31B
Common stock
2.1B 2.2B 2.2B 2.3B 2.4B
Retained earning
14B 14B 11B 9.5B 10B
Treasury stock
0 0 0 0 -170M
Capital surplus
β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’
Shareholder equity
36B 35B 34B 33B 33B
Net tangible assets
-13B -13B -14B -16B -15B
20 ← 16 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
Net Income
11B 12B 9.9B 6.5B 5.9B
770M 660M 610M 560M 500M
Changes in receivables
-1.7B 1.8B 240M -190M 1.4B
Changes in inventories
0 0 0 0 0
Cash change
8.5B -3.9B -1.7B 4.5B 2.9B
Cash flow
10B 13B 13B 9.2B 5.6B
Capital expenditures
-740M -760M -720M -710M -520M
β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’
Investing activity other
β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’
Total investing cash flows
1.4B -590M -3.1B 740M -11B
Dividends paid
2.7B β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’
Net borrowings
2.1B 3.2B 4B 4B 6.3B
Other financing cash flows
β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’
Cash flow financing
-4B -12B -11B -5.9B 7.5B
Exchange rate effect
β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’

International financial services company. This is a global system providing access to a fast network of electronic payments. The company’s services are used by cardholders, retail and service companies, financial and government institutions in more than 200 countries. This organization is not a bank, it does not issue payment cards, does not establish commissions, interest rates for consumers, and does not issue loans to cardholders.

All company transactions go through the global processing network VisaNet, which processes more than 65,000 operations per second. In March 2019, the organization announced its intention to open its cryptocurrency unit - Visa Crypto Team. The payment system provides for three types of cards: debit, credit and prepaid. To increase the security of payments on the Internet, the company uses its own security system, called VbV (also called 3-D Secure technology).