Mastercard (MA, M4I) → Stock, financial statements


  • M4I, MA Ticker
  • 🇺🇸 NYSE, 🇩🇪 XETRA, 🇩🇪 F Exchange
  • 14,800 Employees
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Financial statements — Mastercard

The information is not 100% up-to-date. There may be errors or missing information. Some information is often missing, and, although there are almost no errors, I can't rule them out. Right now, I'm looking for a supplier of high-quality information, but so far what I'm finding is expensive (about $2000 a year). You can help my project here.
20 ← 16 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
Total Revenue
15B 17B 15B 12B 11B
Cost Of Revenue
0 0 0 0 0
Gross Profit
15B 17B 15B 12B 11B
Research and Development
0 0 0 0 0
Selling General and Admin
6.6B 6.7B 6.1B 5.4B 4.5B
Operating Expense
7.1B 7.2B 6.5B 5.9B 4.9B
Operating Income
8.2B 9.7B 8.4B 6.6B 5.9B
Other Income Expense Net
0 0 0 0 0
8.2B 9.7B 8.4B 6.6B 5.9B
Interest Income
380M 220M 190M 150M 95M
Pretax Income
7.8B 9.7B 7.2B 6.5B 5.6B
Income Tax
1.3B 1.6B 1.3B 2.6B 1.6B
Minority Interest
0 0 0 0 0
Net Income
6.4B 8.1B 5.9B 3.9B 4.1B
Net Income Basic
6.4B 8.1B 5.9B 3.9B 4.1B
20 ← 16 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
Current cash
11B 7.7B 8.4B 7.8B 8.3B
Short term investments
1.9B 1.8B 1.4B 1B 850M
4.4B 5.5B 4.7B 3.3B 2.5B
0 0 0 0 0
Other current assets
1.9B 1.8B 1.4B 1B 850M
Current assets
19B 17B 16B 14B 13B
Long term investments
14B 12B 8.7B 7.5B 5.4B
Property plant equipment
1.9B 1B 920M 830M 730M
5B 4B 2.9B 3B 1.8B
Intangible assets
1.8B 1.4B 990M 1.1B 720M
Other assets
4.2B 3.6B 3B 2B 1.7B
Total assets
34B 29B 25B 21B 19B
Accounts payable
530M 490M 540M 930M 610M
Current long term debt
650M 0 500M 0 0
Other current liabilities
11B 11B 11B 7.9B 6.6B
Total current liabilities
12B 12B 12B 8.8B 7.2B
Long term debt
12B 8.5B 5.8B 5.4B 5.2B
Other liabilities
3.1B 2.7B 1.9B 1.4B 520M
Minority Interest
130M 98M 94M 100M 28M
Total Liabilities
27B 23B 19B 16B 13B
Common stock
1B 1B 1B 1.1B 1.1B
Retained earning
39B 34B 27B 22B 19B
Treasury stock
-37B -32B -26B -21B -17B
Capital surplus
Shareholder equity
6.4B 5.9B 5.4B 5.5B 5.7B
Net tangible assets
-320M 460M 1.5B 1.3B 3.2B
20 ← 16 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
Net Income
6.4B 8.1B 5.9B 3.9B 4.1B
580M 520M 460M 440M 370M
Changes in receivables
-1.2B 780M 1.4B 840M 360M
Changes in inventories
0 0 0 0 0
Cash change
2.9B -700M 600M -550M 1.6B
Cash flow
7.2B 8.2B 6.2B 5.6B 4.5B
Capital expenditures
-710M -730M -500M -420M -380M
Investing activity other
Total investing cash flows
-1.9B -1.6B -510M -1.8B -1.2B
Dividends paid
Net borrowings
190M -910M -3.5B -3.4B -4B
Other financing cash flows
Cash flow financing
-2.2B -5.9B -5B -4.8B -2.3B
Exchange rate effect

An international payment system whose financial brands Mastercard®, Maestro® and Cirrus® are used in more than 210 countries and regions of the world. The main objective of the company is the processing of payments between acquiring banks, issuing banks and credit organizations using its debit and credit cards. In 2015, the share of its payment market in the world amounted to 20%.

The company has developed the Masterpass platform - a card data warehouse protected by its own security system. SecureCode technology is used to protect online payments, where one-time codes are used. The company assumes the right to block payments and other financial transactions in cases of suspected illegal activity.

To separate corporate and personal expenses, simplify accounting, the corporation offers business owners to issue business cards. They provide an opportunity to track costs by category and set spending limits.

Transactions in the payment system are carried out through the telecommunications network Banknet. It connects all the issuers of these cards and processing centers into a single financial network.