Helmerich & Payne (HP) → Stock, financial statements

Helmerich & Payne

24.83 USD -0.70 (-2.06%)
Mar 13 🇺🇸 NYSE HP
  • HP Ticker
  • 🇺🇸 NYSE Exchange
  • 8,780 Employees
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Financial statements — Helmerich & Payne

The information is not 100% up-to-date. There may be errors or missing information. Some information is often missing, and, although there are almost no errors, I can't rule them out. Right now, I'm looking for a supplier of high-quality information, but so far what I'm finding is expensive (about $2000 a year). You can help my project here.
20 ← 16 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
Total Revenue
1.8B 2.8B 2.5B 1.8B 1.6B
Cost Of Revenue
0 0 0 0 0
Gross Profit
1.8B 2.8B 2.5B 1.8B 1.6B
Research and Development
22M 27M 18M 12M 10M
Selling General and Admin
170M 190M 200M 150M 150M
Operating Expense
1.9B 2.6B 2.5B 2B 1.7B
Operating Income
-88M 210M 32M -190M -30M
Other Income Expense Net
0 0 0 0 0
-88M 210M 32M -190M -30M
Interest Income
24M 25M 24M 20M 23M
Pretax Income
-640M -51M 16M -180M -73M
Income Tax
-140M -19M -480M -57M -20M
Minority Interest
0 0 0 0 0
Net Income
-500M -37M 480M -130M -59M
Net Income Basic
-500M -37M 480M -130M -59M
20 ← 16 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
Current cash
580M 400M 330M 570M 950M
Short term investments
44M 38M 27M 23M 51M
190M 500M 570M 480M 380M
100M 150M 160M 140M 120M
Other current assets
44M 38M 27M 23M 51M
Current assets
960M 1.1B 1.1B 1.2B 1.6B
Long term investments
3.9B 4.7B 5.1B 5.2B 5.3B
Property plant equipment
3.6B 4.5B 4.9B 5B 5.1B
46M 83M 65M 52M 0
Intangible assets
81M 87M 73M 51M 0
Other assets
17M 21M 5.3M 17M 30M
Total assets
4.8B 5.8B 6.2B 6.4B 6.8B
Accounts payable
36M 120M 130M 140M 95M
Current long term debt
0 0 0 0 0
Other current liabilities
180M 290M 240M 210M 230M
Total current liabilities
220M 410M 380M 340M 330M
Long term debt
480M 480M 490M 490M 490M
Other liabilities
110M 120M 94M 100M 100M
Minority Interest
0 0 0 0 0
Total Liabilities
1.5B 1.8B 1.8B 2.3B 2.3B
Common stock
110M 110M 110M 110M 110M
Retained earning
3B 3.7B 4B 3.9B 4.3B
Treasury stock
-200M -190M -170M -190M -190M
Capital surplus
Shareholder equity
3.3B 4B 4.4B 4.2B 4.6B
Net tangible assets
3.2B 3.8B 4.2B 4.1B 4.6B
20 ← 16 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
Net Income
-500M -37M 480M -130M -59M
480M 560M 580M 590M 600M
Changes in receivables
-300M -70M 88M 100M -74M
Changes in inventories
-45M -8.5M 21M 13M -4.4M
Cash change
180M 75M -240M -380M 190M
Cash flow
540M 860M 540M 360M 750M
Capital expenditures
-140M -460M -470M -400M -260M
Investing activity other
Total investing cash flows
-88M -420M -470M -440M -230M
Dividends paid
Net borrowings
-140M 41M 140M -96M -510M
Other financing cash flows
Cash flow financing
-300M -380M -310M -300M -340M
Exchange rate effect

An American company that provides services for oil and gas exploration and well drilling. Its drilling business is divided into three segments: operations in the United States, international operations in South America and the middle East, and drilling operations in the Gulf of Mexico and Equatorial Guinea. For deep operations, floating platforms are used, attached to the sea floor by mooring lines.

In the United States, the company operates in many large shale and oil and gas basins, such as the Permian basin, Eagle Ford Shale, and Woodford Shale. The company actively uses Flex Rig technology based on mechanized tube processing. It allows pipes to be delivered to the floor of the drilling rig using a hydraulic podium. The system improves employee safety and productivity. It is on the land of America that 88% of all drilling rigs in the organization are located.

The corporation's subsidiaries provide highly specialized services to the energy industry.