General Finance Formulas and Calculators

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Annuity Payment Factor, PV

The annuity payment factor is used to simplify calculations for an annuity payment. The formula is specifically for simplifying annuity payment calculations when the present value of the annuity is known(in contrast to the future value being known).

Annuity Payment from Future Value

The annuity payment formula is used to calculate the cash flows of an annuity when future value is known. An annuity is denoted as a series of periodic payments.

Annuity Payment, PV

The annuity payment formula is used to calculate the periodic payment on an annuity. An annuity is a series of periodic payments that are received at a future date.

Doubling Time - Simple Interest

Used to calculate how long it would take to double the balance on an interesting bearing account that has simple interest.

Future Value Factor, FVF

The formula for the future value factor is used to calculate the future value of an amount per dollar of its present value

Future Value Of Annuity Due Payment

Online calculator to calculate the future value of investments based on annuity payment, interest rate and number of payments

Future Value, FV

Future Value (FV) is a formula used in finance to calculate the value of a cash flow at a later date than originally received.

Growing Annuity Payment, GAP

The growing annuity payment from present value formula shown above is used to calculate the initial payment of a series of periodic payments that grow at a proportional rate

Present Value of Annuity Due Payment

Online calculator to calculate the present value of investments based on annuity payment, interest rate and number of payments

Present Value of Perpetuity

A perpetuity is a type of annuity that receives an infinite amount of periodic payments

Rule of 72

The Rule of 72 is a simple formula used to estimate the length of time required to double an investment